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Hours of Operation Mon-Thu 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Fri 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Sat 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Sun 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Range Fees $20.00/Lane $15.00 per additional person/shared lanes FREE to members

Range Specials Tuesday night is Ladies night. Ladies shoot free 5pm - 8pm
Friday night is Date Night. Two for $25.00 shared lane from 5pm - 8pm
Range Lunch Specials Mon - Thu 11am - 2pm two for $25 shared lane

Contact Info Sharp Shooters USA 11261 Alpharetta Highway Roswell, GA 30076-2450 USA

Phone: 770.500.FIRE (3473) Fax: 770.410.3841

Our Instructors

Sharp ShootersUSA has a number of highly trained and very experienced instructors.
Here are their bios...

Joe Satterfield, Our Training Director, is a full time law enforcement officer, SWAT Team Commander, and Firearms Instructor. Joe has 10 years tactical team experience and over 16 years teaching firearms related subjects.

Joe is certified by the State of Georgia as a Senior Instructor and holds additional certifications in firearms, defensive tactics, and submachine gun. He is a graduate of the Master SWAT course, Bill Rogers' Shooting School (Advanced), Thunder Ranch, US Military Police Counter sniper School, and the National Center for Biomedical Research and Training WMD Tactical Operations Course among many others.

Joe also shoots professionally in the 3 Gun Nation points series and is sponsored by FNH-USA, GA Arms, Tru-Spec Atlanco, Vortex Optics, and CPWSA. He won Gold as a member of the US National Shotgun Team at the 2010 Pan-American Championship, has won the prestigious Florida Open Pistol Tournament (Single Stack Division) and has many other competitive successes.

He is a family man who believes strongly in the Second Amendment and particularly enjoys training new shooters, younger people, and ladies interested in personal defense.

Joe Carter has been a full time law enforcement officer since 1981 and was first assigned SWAT duties in 1983. Joe has served as SWAT Team Commander with his agency since 1995. Lt. Carter has been a certified law enforcement firearms instructor for 16 years and is also certified by Smith and Wesson as a Submachine Gun and Patrol Rifle instructor. Among his many professional accomplishments Joe has competed successfully as a member of the Hall County Sheriff’s Pistol Team in a number of law enforcement competitions and was Director of Competitive Events for the Georgia Police and Fire Games tough cop, pistol, revolver, man vs. man reactive shooting and SWAT competitions from 2006-2008.

John New has been employed with a large metropolitan police agency since September of 1993.New spent over eight years as an undercover narcotics agent.In the last few years of his narcotics career, New was sworn in as a Federal DEA Task Force Officer. New is currently the Assistant Team Commander of a local S.W.A.T. team.He has been a member of the S.W.A.T. team since February of 2000 and holds a Master S.W.A.T. Level III Operator certification. New has participated in hundreds of high risk building entries.These entries consisted of, no-knock search warrants, barricaded gunmen, and hostage situations.New is proficient with almost all common small arms and is an expert marksman with semi automatic pistols and sub-machine-guns.

New is a graduate of the Columbus State University, Professional Management Program for Law Enforcement.New is also certified by the Georgia P.O.S.T. Council as an Instructor, a Firearms Instructor, Advanced Certified Peace Officer, and a Field Training Officer. New has well over 4000 law enforcement related training hours. Other certifications include, but are not limited to, Flying while Armed, Advanced Firearms, High Risk Search Warrants, Dignitary Protection, and Tactical Sub Machine Gun.

Awards:Three-Time Gold Medal Winner, 2008 Georgia S.W.A.T. Competition Two Time, Silver Medal Winner, Georgia Tough Cop Competition, 2007 / 2008 Officer of the Year: Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office 2001.

New’s unique style of teaching firearms makes it enjoyable as well as educational.If you come with an open mind to learn, you will not bedisappointed.

Melissa Shaw began her professional life with the United States Marine Corp where she was promoted to the rank of Corporal before beginning her law enforcement career in 1998. Since then she has the distinction of being the only female at her agency to be selected for the agency SWAT Team. She is currently a Sargent and is assigned as a full time trainer and law enforcement officer in addition to her tactical duties. Melissa is a certified firearms instructor, driving instructor, defensive tactics instructor, sniper instructor, Glock Instructor and Armorer, and patrol rifle instructor. She has successfully completed courses in Master SWAT, Advanced Police Counter-sniper, Bill Roger’s Shooting School, US Army Woodland Operations Course, and Tactical Operations in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents. Melissa is a married mother of two and carries a firearm daily.

Lois V. Woods is currently a Senior Criminal Investigator for the Clayton County Solicitor General's Office (CCSGO) where she assists with the accusation and criminal prosecution of defendants charged with misdemeanor offenses. In addition to her investigative duties, Ms. Woods is the Firearms Instructor, Training Officer, Crisis Intervention Trainer, and the Georgia and National Criminal Information Center Terminal Agency Coordinator for the Solicitor General’s Office. Ms. Woods began her career at the Solicitor General’s Office in 2005 as a Victim Services Officer. Shortly thereafter she was promoted to Investigator and attended Basic Law Enforcement Mandate at Fulton County Public Safety Training Center (FCPSTC) where she graduated with top academic honors. Since then, she has received nearly 1200 hours in law enforcement training with advanced certifications in General Instructor, Firearms Instructor, Semi-Automatic Pistol, Domestic Violence, Crisis Intervention Training, Interviews and Interrogations, Victim Advocacy, and Sex Offense Investigations. Ms. Woods has also received specialized training in Precision Shooting Development, Addressing Multiple Adversaries, Judgmental Pistol Shooting, Low-Light Shooting, One-Handed Shooting Skills, Shooting While Moving and Shooting Moving Targets.

In addition to her duties at the courthouse, Ms. Woods is an Adjunct Instructor at Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s (GPTC) Law Enforcement Academy as well as a guest Instructor at the FCPSTC where she instructs Firearms and Sex Offense Investigations. In addition to teaching at GPTC and FCPSTC, she facilitates Firearms training for several law enforcement agencies some of which include, Clayton County Police Department, Clayton County Sheriff’s Office, Fulton County Sheriff’s Office and the Georgia World Congress Center Public Safety Department.

Ms. Woods has conducted Crisis Intervention Training throughout the state with the Georgia National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) and has conducted seminars on bullying, sexting and domestic violence for Clayton County Public Schools and various community organizations. Ms. Woods is a member of the Georgia Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (GALEFI) as well as the International Law Enforcement Educators and Training Association (ILEETA).

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