SharpShootersUSA Training- 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions-
- Do you offer private lessons?
Yes. Private lessons are scheduled based on instructor availability and range in price from $75/hour to $150/hour depending upon which instructor you hire. All of our instructors are very talented and qualified to teach firearms safety and fundamentals of shooting. If you are in need of specific instruction in competition, tactics, assault rifles, shotgun or machine gun we have instructors who specialize in those areas as well.
- Is there any specific order to SharpShooters training classes?
You bet. A new shooter should always take the Introduction to Handgun Safety and Marksmanship class first. Once that has been completed the shooter will be prepared to take the Defensive Handgun One, Ladies Defensive Handgun, Basic Defensive Carbine, or Basic Defensive Shotgun course. Defensive Handgun Two, Low Light Handgun, Advanced Carbine, and Advanced Shotgun are our “graduate level” courses. Experienced shooters can begin with the Defensive One series of classes.
- Is there any specific equipment that I should bring to the course?
That depends on the course. For the Intro course all that is required is a positive attitude. All of the Defensive Courses require a safe operational firearm appropriate to the class, 200 rounds of ammunition (shotgun classes only require 100), 2 or 3 magazines or speed loaders (if you are using a revolver), a holster for handgun classes, and a simple two point sling for rifle or shotgun classes.
- How much will I improve as a result of the training?
Your level of proficiency is up to you. By the end of the Introduction course you will have the tools to handle a firearm safely and you will be able to place your shots into the center of a silhouette target consistently. Where you go from there is directly related to how much you practice what you have learned.
- What do I need to do to become as proficient as possible in tactical shooting?
Take the Intro, Defensive One, Defensive Two, and Low Light classes as your schedule and budget allow. Practice what you have learned in between classes. Formal training will total 16 hours and the material is exactly the same as taught to law enforcement, military and competition shooters at the highest levels. Our instructors have taught street cops, SWAT officers, Federal law enforcement officers, and active duty military personnel the same material that you will learn in our classes.
- How physical are the courses?
Most people in normal physical condition will have little trouble with the Introduction or basic Defensive Courses. The more advanced courses require a correspondingly higher level of fitness as you will be learning techniques for prevailing in dynamic, lethal confrontations. If you have specific physical limitations you can notify the instructor prior to your class and they will make adjustments to the curriculum based on your specific needs.
- I don’t plan to use a holster as I purchased my handgun for home defense and do not carry it on me. Why do I have to have a holster for the defensive training classes?
The holster in our classes will be used for safety. The Defensive courses are taught on our state of the art tactical range and all of the shooting is performed “downrange”. There are no shooting booths, benches or tables on the range and you simply must have somewhere safe to put your handgun while you are doing other things like refilling magazines or hanging a target, etc.
- Will the instructor yell at me, belittle me, or make fun of me if I do something wrong or if I do not shoot well?
Absolutely not! Our instructors understand that while their goal is to teach the safe use of firearms they are actually in the customer service business. Firearms safety is consistently enforced on the range but you will always be treated with dignity and respect.
- I have a lightweight compact revolver and a full size semiautomatic pistol. Which should I use for the class?
You should bring both of them with you and switch from one to the other during the course. It is always advantageous to train with any firearm you may use. The compact revolver will be a real challenge to use for the entire course though since muzzle blast and recoil are much more pronounced in the really tiny guns.
- Can you teach me how to disassemble, clean, maintain, and reassemble my firearm?
We can. However, your owner’s manual should contain all of the information that you need. If you do not have an owner’s manual you can contact the manufacturer of your firearm and they will send you one or free. SharpShooters is a full service gun store and our knowledgeable staff can also provide assistance if you need it. There is no need to hire an instructor for this type of information.
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